〈 It / Es 〉thinks, in the abyss without human.

Transitional formulating of Thought into Thing in unconscious wholeness. Circuitization of〈 Thought thing 〉.

◆ CINEMA the 1930s

〈 Think Film Core 〉 ..... on Alexander Dovzhenko's film 『 Earth ( 1930 ) 』〈 3 〉

■ The leader who succeeds Vasyli's position addresses the people and praises Vasyli's achievements as a Bolshevist. On this occasion, rather than all mourning Vasyli's death, it is emphasized that his death should be politically praised as…

〈 Think Film Core 〉 ..... on Alexander Dovzhenko's film 『 Earth ( 1930 ) 』〈 2 〉

■ Vasyli dances alone on the street ( 25~26 ). Suddenly, someone shoots him dead and he collapses ( 27~28 ). ■ Vasyli's fiancée Natalya and Vasyli's father are grieving to see Vasyli's corpse ( 29~31 ). What is interesting about this seque…

〈 Think Film Core 〉 ..... on Alexander Dovzhenko's film 『 Earth ( 1930 ) 』〈 1 〉

Film 『 Earth ( Ukrainian : Земля ) 』 Directed by Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko ( Довженко Олександр Петрович ) Release 1930 Starring Semyon Svashenko ( : Семен Свашенко ) ( Vasyli ) Olena Maksimova ( : Олена Максимова ) ( Natalya : Vasyl…

▶ フリッツ・ラングの映画『 M 』( 1931 ) を哲学的に考える

初めに。この記事は映画についての教養を手短に高めるものではありません。そのような短絡性はこの記事には皆無です。ここでの目的は、作品という対象を通じて、自分の思考を、より深く、より抽象的に、する事 です。一般的教養を手に入れることは、ある意味…