■ 2018年6月22日に54歳の若さで亡くなった元PANTERA~DAMAGE PLAN~HELLYEAH のドラマー、ヴィニー・ポール・アボット。何人ものミュージシャンが追悼のコメントを出していますが、元メンバーのベーシスト、レックス・ブラウンがローリングストーン誌 ( 英語版 ) に寄せた手記ほど彼への愛情が溢れているものはないでしょう。彼のパンテラ、そしてヴィニーへの思いが痛いほど伝わってくる・・・。
以下の記事は手記の抜粋 ( 私訳 )ですが全文を確認したい方は こちらのURLから。
または日本の BURRN! 誌の2018年9月号P38~39にその日本語訳が掲載されていますので、そちらでも確認出来ます ( 意訳されてる箇所がぼちぼちありますが )。
I’ve been devastated, saddened, and shaken, almost beyond words, about the passing of my longtime brother in Pantera, Vincent Paul Abbott.
While I understand and appreciate the desire to hear from me, I have taken my time to collect my thoughts, to begin to process this terrible loss. I’ve chosen to decline the interview requests, because this is not about me. This moment belongs to Vinnie.
I’d like to send out my sincerest and heartfelt condolences to his relatives, to the Pantera family, to his newer family in Hellyeah, and to all of the fans that Vinnie Paul spent his life entertaining. My thoughts and prayers are with every one of you.
俺から言葉を聞きたいという願いは理解出来るし、有り難いのだが、俺は自分の考えをまとめ、この残酷な喪失感を埋めるのに時間をかけた。俺は、自分のことではないからインタビューのリクエストは断ることにしていた。この場合はヴィニーのことなんだ ( 注:自分の事を語るように簡単にインタビューを受けることは出来ないという意味 )。
I’m especially heartbroken for Vinnie’s father, Jerry Abbott, who opened his studio and showed us the ropes in the early days. No man should have to bury his sons.
All I can do is focus on the great times and the brotherhood the four of us shared.
In the ’90s, there wasn’t a tighter rhythm section than Vince, Darrell, and myself. Even on our worst night, we could dust you off the stage. Because the three of us had played so many clubs together, so many tunes, we always knew exactly where each other was going to go.
I don’t think there’ll ever be chemistry like what the four of us shared again. I’ve been so blessed in so many ways by having them in my life. We were living and breathing each other’s everything for 20 odd years, which just like anything in life, has its difficulties, but nothing major. But even when there was little communication, we still shared tremendous respect.
When I look back, no matter what, I can honestly say that there were far more ups than downs with Pantera. It was uncanny the way we played together. Once we got into that state, with that black look in our eyes, we were fucking dangerous, man.
どんなことにせよ、振り返るとパンテラでは沈むことよりも上がっていくことの方が多かったと正直に言える。俺達が一緒にプレイする仕方は異様だった。俺達は、一端興奮状態に入ると、それも目が黒く見えるくらい ( 注:悪魔であるかのような事の比喩 )、超危険になっていた。
I’m so grateful to have been around the Abbott brothers, to play some part in their legacy, to share more than half of my life on the road and in the studio with them. And I’m so thankful that Vinnie found a home for his unmistakable groove, some peace and happiness, and a new family with Hellyeah, after the unthinkable tragedy in 2004.
俺はアボット兄弟の側にいれたこと、彼らの遺したものにいくらかでも関わったこと、彼らと共にツアーやスタジオで人生の半分以上を共有したこと、に感謝している。2004年の信じられない悲劇 ( 注:ダレルが射殺された事件の事 ) の後、Hellyeahで彼の紛れもないグルーヴのホームを、いくらかの平穏と幸せを、そして新しい家族を、見つけたことを俺はうれしく思う。
I never thought of myself as anything more than part of the team. That’s the way we all were. It was all about that jam. How many people get to experience something like what we experienced together? Very few.
At the end of the day, all you can hope is that you gave it your all, ya’ know? Vinnie did. He gave everything he possibly could, as we all did.
The best way to honor Vinnie is to celebrate his life. He approached drumming, and friendship, with his own brand of perfection. We must remember the great times we shared with him. Rest in peace, Vinnie, and give Dime a big ole’ fashioned Texas style hug from all of us. You made an incredible mark on the world and you were taken from us way too soon.
Much love and respect,
〈 関連記事 〉